Russ and I spoke in church today. Our topic was "Service." I didn't get to share everything I had prepared, but I wanted to post a quote by George Albert Smith that I really liked.
True Happiness Comes From Loving and Serving Others
"Do not forget no matter how much you may give in money, no matter how you may desire the things of this world to make yourselves happy, your happiness will be in porportion to your charity and to your kindness and to your love of those with whom you associate here on earth. Our Heavenly Father has said in very plain terms that he who says he loves God and does not love his brother is not truthful. (see 1 John 4:20)
It isn't only what we receive that makes us happy; it is what we give, and the more we give of that which is uplifting and enriching to our Father's children, the more we have to give. It grows like a great fountain of life and bubbles up to eternal happiness.
When our life here is ended and we return home, we will find credited to us there every good act we have performed, every kindness we have done, every effort we have put forth to benefit our fellows...
...Let us evidence our appreciation of what the Lord has given us by serving Him, and we are serving Him when we do good to His children. Freely we have received, now freely give (see Matthew 10:8). With hearts warmed with love and kindness for our fellow men, let us press steadily on until the final summons shall come, and we shall meet our record. Then, if we have improved our talents, if we have been honest, true, chaste, benevolent, and charitable, and have sought to uplift every soul with whom we have associated, if we have lived up to the light we have received, and disseminated that light whenever opportinity has presented, how happy we will be and how our hearts will swell with gratitude when we receive from the Maker of heaven and earth that welcome plaudit: 'Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." (Matthew 25:21)"
I am resolving to make this new week one that is full of service to my family, friends, and neighbors.
"Because I have been given much I too must give..."
Next time you are angry, try serving someone. The next time you are sad, lonely, bored, frustrated, tired, grumpy....for whatever reasons you feel the way you do....go out and do something kind for someone, send a letter of appreciation or gratitude, give your kids a hug and tell them how much you love them and then eat dessert before dinner....just do a kind act....
I think it will do us some good...
Good and Wise Parents
1 week ago