Just had to show off my flowers I received from Russ and Anna!
We enjoyed the beauty and brightness they brought to our home for two weeks!
Yay! Happy Halloween! Carter: bumble bee, Ben: pirate skeleton, Anna: bat girl.
Great FUN...until the flu set in the next day!
Carter, Anna getting ready to go bowling at The Rex for Ben's 10th Birthday Party.
Rylei...striking a pose...very cool with the hand in the pocket...really...
Ben opening a few of his presents. He seriously LOVED all of them!
Happy Birthday Benny! This kid truly makes our lives quite interesting!
Best Buds....for life....we hope!
Carli Meredith, Ben Wayment, Carson Meredith
It was a GREAT...thumb-sucking day!
Saturday evening we gave Ben his snowboard!! He's been waiting for it for forever it seems!
Sunday dinner: Home-made pizza!
We baked it on a pizza stone, I made the crust extra thick, and it was...
Well...what would've made it more perfect was less olives and lots of tomatoes!
Scrumptious....and toddler approved....very important!
Cheers to the BEST cook EVER!!!
I know....I sure am loved....but seriously, who wouldn't love a mom who makes such delicious dinners?Funny Story of the week:
*Sigh* BOYS! If you have a boy...well...you should know EXACTLY what such a statement means...
After dinner this evening, I put Carter in the bath. The kid loves bath-time! If I let him, which often I do, he would play for an hour! As I sat on the toilet watching my little Bubba play, he started "swimming" in the tub. This consists of laying on his tummy and moving his body with his hands back and forth, meanwhile, plunging his face into the water, pulling it back out...gasping..rubbing eyes...then.making eye contact with me, smiling and then saying once again, "Watch dis mom!" And then the process starts all over again! It keeps me quite entertained!
Well, after a minute or so of doing this, I notice Bubba's expression... Something has changed. As he turns onto his side, I realize that the back and forth swimming motion has...uh hmm...stimulated his little "twig".
(with a little clap of the hands) How Wonderful!
Bub makes a noise of curiosity...then tries to push it back in with his finger! Just doesn't seem to be working...most likely having an opposite effect indeed! This seems to turn the curiosity notch up just a
Quickly, I covered my mouth to stop the laughter and turned away...if a two-year old knows he's being funny....yup....chances are, he'll do it again! Violent shootings with body parts are on my list of "Not-to-do's"!
You know...I've always wondered why men are so enthralled with macho guns and studly action-packed movies...
My son has enlightened me...
Thanks kid!
*sigh...once again...* BOYS!
Just tryin to stick with the brightly packaged plastic squirt guns now...thank you very much!
*read this story while you can...it will most likely be posted for a limited time!
Ok, that is hilarious!! Never a dull moment is right! Ha!
Hillarious! Once when getting the kids ready to bath they were running around naked in the other room, and I heard them laughing and laughing. I came to tell them the water was ready, and saw Carson chasing Kenzie around the living room "shooting" at her as well. How cool would it be to have a toy built onto OUR bodies?! Loved the story.
Pretty funny. But I do agree only a limited time on here.
Boy will be boys. And anything can be a gun!
Oh that is so funny! And that is why I am SCARED TO DEATH to have boys. I will stick to the girls for now. Your pics are so cute. And that pizza looks so yummy!
How fabulous and, oh, so typical. I think, as a girl, we're just not supposed to understand.
On another note: Thank you so much for your comment the other day on my blog. It really meant the world to me. It really is a shame that we all live so far from each other. I really miss the days, swapping parenting advice and stories, on the McKinley Manor playground.
I feel your pain, Amber
Ha! Good story, now I know what I have to look forward to!
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