Grant me patience
to deal with my

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

35 Weeks, 34 Days (or less)

The Countdown is ON!!!

Here I am today at 35 weeks. If you were to see me in person you would immediately notice the red, bloodshot eyes, the dark circles under my eyes which I "attempt" to cover up, and the puffiness around my well as in the whole region of my my feet...and in my plump little sausage fingers! is good!

I am fast running out of clothes that I find acceptable and comfortable under my certain conditions, and if I could, I would choose to just wander around half naked instead. At least I wouldn't have to worry about the seam of my pants digging into my lower abdomen, which is protruding out a great distance from where it should be!

Yesterday afternoon, I tried to play blocks with Carter....which calls for all participants to sit on the floor. Great! I was wearing some maternity capris that fit under my belly. Upon my slow and grunt-filled arrival down to the floor, a tight squeezing came upon me as I struggled to shove my swollen legs into a "said" very easy cross-legged position. (Obviously, pregnant women were not in mind) The seam of my capris, which is quite expandable, was unmercifully trying to cut my lower extremities away from my upper body. I kid you not! While my legs started to throb and swell from the lack of circulation, the mean squeezing capris left my belly and everything contained within it no other option but to shift upwards, diminishing what was left of my lung's capacity to function. I think that certain unknown organs were being shoved up into my throat too, for I felt the need to gag. The baby rebelled every time I reached forward to grab a block by pounding my ribs with her delicate little legs, causing her head to force great pressure within my pelvis, creating shooting pains in that general area where pubic bone and cervix are located. Hey, at least I knew my nerves were working...despite the tingling in my bum that was slowly going numb...and the muscle spasms radiating up and down my back...


We built lots of really cool block tunnels for Carter's cars to drive through.
Then he destroyed them!
And wanted to do it all over AGAIN...

Maybe in 34 days...or less, kido.

Then I patted him on his blond little head, wiped his nose, and resigned myself to the recliner...
AFTER....I freed my body from the awful maternity capris...and put on some of Russ's fleece pajama pants!

Ah! Now THAT is what I am talkin about...

And life is still...pretty good.


Jeigh said...

Oh, Amber! You're almost there! And I think you still look bee-u-tiful! I love your hair. And I love what you've done with the family room! And way to get down and play blocks, because pretty much all I did in my last trimester with Reese is lay on the couch and sleep while my kids ran wild. You're awesome!!

Suzie-Q said...

Aw, what lovely memories you bring back to me. Just thinking about it makes my chest hurt and my leg fall asleep.
Yea! Only like a month left!

Sarahie said...

Good for you for trying! I think during the last trimester, sweats every day all day (and night) should be mandatory. You look great, though. This little one is lucky! Good luck!