"You" know who you are...
Tonight I am watching American Idol, drinking water, and eating sunflower seeds. Food for birds right? I gotta eat like a bird tonight because yesterday I might have consumed about...oh....almost 3 plain cake donuts. They weren't small ones. Just sayin...
Yeah...and I opened the bag of Ruffles.
Not good....I mean, they tasted good, but not good, ya know??
But HEY! This isn't a guilty food confessions blog, and I am in no hurry to confess that since I typed the word "donut" that's all I can think about...those yummy cake donuts just sitting upstairs in the kitchen...
Now how about the first belly shot from baby #4??? I gained 2 lbs since my last post...the picture will explain everything.
Next week is my last week before I enter the second trimester! People, it's going by too fast! I am starting to imagine what life will be like with 4 kids! I am not impressed with what I am coming up with, hahaha! Let me expound on that:
Tuesday we decided to have fajitas for dinner, but I would need to go to the store to get a bell pepper and tomatoes. Not a big deal. I didn't have anyone home to watch the kids, so I packed them all up in the van and off to the store we went. I like to go to Smith's, the checkers are awesome fast, and they have baggers, plus car carts. (Not to mention donuts!!)
The drama started with the car cart. There's only enough room for 2. I have 3 kids. I normally go shopping with just Carter and Kya while Anna is at school, so Kya has learned to LOVE the car cart! I actually have issues with Kya picking on Carter, who is over 3 years older than her, while they are riding in the car cart! She rules the car cart, that's all there is to it!
So when Anna and Carter climbed into the car cart Tuesday, Kya was NOT having it. She started protesting in a very LOUD and embarrassing way. Gah! Yeah...she is crying, but it's her yell-cry, while squirming and kicking and arching her back. It's okay. I am used to public tantrums. Carter was a pro as a toddler. While Kya is protesting, Anna has hopped into her spot in the car cart, while Carter starts crying because he "doesn't have enough room!!" Don't worry, there were plenty of people to witness.
So, we've got Kya protesting, Carter whining, and Anna just sat there looking pretty. I decide that we are going to use a normal cart. Anna and Carter climb out, Carter's whines turn into tears, Anna picks up on the whining, and Kya is still very much in full protest!!!
It wasn't good people, it wasn't good.
I remained determined to plow through all the protests.
I made it to the bread.
Then I silently turned the cart around, parked it, picked up Kya, and headed for the door! As we are exiting the store, Carter is crying, "Mom! I thought you were gonna buy food!!" over and over. I just silently walked them to the van. It was one of those moments where you knew if you opened your mouth, it just wouldn't be good. That whole day had been a "bad" day for me...not because of the kids...but just dealing with other stuff. I had reached my limit. Done.
I drove the kids home, left them with grandma (who had just got home from work) and went back to the store with just Kya. Second attempt was a success.
As I re-told Russ about my "adventure" when he got home from work, his mom started to giggle. The further I got into the story, the funnier she found it to be!!! I couldn't help but find it all comical as well! Especially if you saw what I let my kids WEAR to the store!!!
So...take that story and just add another kid to the picture and maybe you can imagine why I am feeling not so impressed!
That being said, I LOVE being pregnant...until the last few months. I love watching my belly grow and feeling the baby start to move. Going into labor is so EXCITING too! I just love to talk with other women about their birth stories, and telling my own! And I am so excited for baby #4 to get bigger and to meet him/her in August...at least we are hoping for an August birth...not because I want to make it all the way to 40 weeks, but because both Anna and Carter were due in August, and they both came 2 weeks early, Carter 2 1/2, and have birthdays the end of July, only 5 days apart.
This babe is due August 15th...
See my dilemma?
To end: A few nights ago, as I was putting the kids into bed, I had to re-explain to Carter about his punishment for the next day. Earlier, he was throwing his cardboard Captain America shield. (because that's what Captain America does...duh!) Grandpa asked Carter to stop after it hit Grandpa in the face. Instead of stopping, Carter gave the shield another toss, and it hit his cousin Suzi!!! (don't worry, it didn't hurt her) So, Carter had to sit in timeout, then apologize to grandpa and Suzi, and then he got all of his shields taken away from him for the night and next day. He was very upset.
At bedtime, Carter asked me about his shields. I told him he lost the privelage to play with them because of his behavior. He was the saddest kid I ever saw! As he was crying, he tells me, "Mom....why do you always have to hurt my feelings???"
Oh, kids! We sure laughed about that one later!!! If only I had time to share all the funny things that come out of Carter's mouth!!! Next post....next post!
I am just glad he's not wearing this stuff anymore. He now insists I call him "Peter Parker" and when he is playing, I often hear him saying, "Call me captain!" "Cuz I'm a CAPTAIN!" or "I'm the Human Spider!"
Thank goodness for super heroes!
Good and Wise Parents
1 week ago
You crack me up! You will be fantastic with 4 kids...BECAUSE you can leave the store! What a pain! Also, Ethan walks and helps me get things. He's all over the place and crazy, but hey, he's happy! Time to kick Anna out. :)
I don't think it's fair that you already look like you have a baby bump. I'm further along and just look like I'm getting fat.
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