Anna got a bike for Christmas in 2006. She has not been able to ride it until just recently because her feet couldn't reach the pedals! She has been dying to ride her bike since she got it, so you can imagine how excited we all were when she figured out how to finally pedal the thing!!! Here is a video of her literally riding it all by herself for the first time! I am so proud of her...she is becoming such a big girl! It has been sooo much fun seeing her reach milestone after milestone! I am so glad I have had the opportunity to be home with Anna and to be there for each and every accomplishment and failure too. To all of you mothers out there who stay at home with your kids I say, "Way to go!" Being a mom is hard and women give so much, sacrifice so much, and expect so little in return. You go girls!!
President Ezra Taft Benson said that "a child needs a mother more than all the things money can buy. Spending time with your children is the greatest gift of all" (Come, Listen to a Prephet's Voice [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1990], 32) So, all of you moms out there, if you are having a bad day, or your children are driving you crazy, you remember that the women are the Lord's secret weapon and He needs us in our homes influencing our children and being there for them. Remember:
Cleaning the house
While the children are growing
Is like shoveling snow
While it's still snowing.
As moms, we can't do everything, but we must focus on the time that we do have and make the most of it. Sometimes it means putting off the dishes and mopping the floors and sittiing down with our children and making our time theirs. The time we spend with our family is priceless. Do the best you can and don't feel bad about anything! We should feel grateful for our opportunity to serve, nurture, and teach our children.
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