Drum roll please...
(Oh...and the music I picked for this post just so happens to be two songs (Dixie Chicks, Ready to Run and Earl Had to Die) that were regularly sang by me and a few other running friends of mine in high school, when we were out in the grueling heat running on some back road and cursing ourselves inwardly, wondering why we willingly tortured ourselves each year to do cross-country!)
Hmmm, let's start with my favorite...Anna. She makes life quite interesting. She has been talking about her race for weeks! She has been practicing too! As the officiator went over the rules and explained where everyone should start and end, Anna held onto my hand...and would NOT let go!
"Ready, Set, Go!"
And Anna cried the whole way to the finish line...while I practically pulled her! Ha! Thanks Anna, for always making moments like these memorable! (My niece Rylei, though, ran her little legs off, and got second overall! Great things to come from both of these two girls!)
My "Proud" moments:
Ben (9yrs.) ran the mile and a half in under 12 minutes, and placed first in his age group! My nephew Carson (9yrs.) placed second...just a few seconds behind Ben. My nephew Jacob (11yrs.) placed second in his age group and ran his mile and a half in under 10 minutes!!! Carli (7yrs.), my niece, also ran the mile and a half, and if they had given an award out for her age group, she would've placed in the top too! Amazing...all of them! And then Dallen, 13 yrs old, ran the 5k...and wouldn't you know, he places first in his age group and takes third overall!!! Did I say AMAZING yet??? It was the BEST feeling in the world to see all those kids race and to see in their eyes and faces the excitement they felt and feeling the accomplishment of training and then running and finishing a race having done the very BEST that they could do! We are so so so happy for every single one of them!
Sorry....***Yawn***...whew.... I am plum tuckered out...
For those who INSPIRE me:
My sister-in-laws Chelsea and Jenilyn. They ran the 5k and did Awesome!!! They have always pursued other interests in life and I think they would agree than running is not a favorite of theirs, but they did great! Jenilyn's dedication to start running and get into better shape no doubt helped to inspire her children to do the same. Because of her example, ALL of her children participated in the Pocatello Marathon!!! Now, Chelsea doesn't have any children yet, but I have watched her over the past year, consistently go to the gym so she could get into better shape, and start eating healthier too. Super dedicated! Since her missionary came home and they got engaged, she hasn't made it to the gym for over a month, but she went out there today and ran her race in 31 minutes! I am so glad they were there today with me! It made my race so much better.
As for me...I was VERY nervous! Sleeping was quite difficult. I woke up early to have a breakfast filled with carbs and protein...and lots of WATER! We got the kids fed, dressed, and ready too...while I continued to sip my WATER! On the way to the Ross Park Aquatic Center, where the buses were departing to take all the runners to their starts, I drank a bit more of...can you guess...WATER!
We arrived at our start...and when I got off the bus (sitting in the very back) there was two very LONG lines in front of the porta potties! And I had to GO!!! The officiator told us we would be starting in 7 minutes!
It seemed that everyone ahead of me just took their sweet little time peeing. They did. And soon we had a three minute warning. I thought about just holding it until I finished...but I really had to go BAD!!! And after having two kids...I must admit that those muscles down yonder just are not the same as they used to be! I really did not want to pee my pants and then run over 6 miles in wet spandex pants. So...I watched as most of the 10k runners took off as I stood in line and waited for two ahead of me to go. My turn...I jumped into the potty and honestly peed in seconds and then made a mad dash to the road! I was at least a minute behind. Doesn't sound like much, eh? Oh but it is!
I ran my little heart out...without letting myself overdo it...to catch up with the group! Luckily, I had some amazing music that Chels and Wes put on my mp3 player that kept me moving, and slowly, one by one, I made up the time I had lost.
I got to see my LOVELY husband and children along the way hollering and cheering me on, and grandpa and Carter even ran a bit beside me! I love them so much! Thanks, guys, for your support and encouragement!
The finish line came sooner then I expected...which was a pleasant surprise...and I finished!!! They had water, powerade, bread and butter, oranges, bananas, ice cream, chocolate milk, and a free dinner of baked potatoes, shredded beef sandwiches, or hot dogs for ALL runners. It was great!
It was so fun to see old friends there...one especially...who is just dying to know how I placed!!! Cami...are you SURE you want to know??? I know that if I give you my time, you will surely whomp me next year! Okay, okay....here's how I placed:
I ran my best time: 51 minutes and so many seconds that I don't remember now. I was shocked, to say the least! I was guessing more around 59 minutes! When they finally got our age group placing posted (and Cami, I think you were long gone by then...it took awhile), I found:
Female 10k Age 25-29
1. Amber Meredith
2.An amazing runner who I don't remember
3.Yet again, another amazing woman runner
Yeah...I got to go stand (after an eternity of waiting for the awards to be passed out to the marathon runners and half marathon runners) on a stage and have my picture taken with a flower and a plaque! All my family there cheered extremely loud! It was fun!
See ya next year!
Anyone want to run the 10k with me???
September 5, 2010! Cami...you better be there...and I totally won't care if you whomp me...as long as I come in second!! haha! And make sure you pee BEFORE you get on the bus!!! Or be the first in line...otherwise....you pee in your pants or get left behind!
(I have a few pictures...but in my haste, I left the SD card at home, and so Russ could only take 3! Oh well...next time!)
Good and Wise Parents
3 weeks ago
Yay!!! You took first! Congrats! That's a great time! Imagine what you can do when you haven't lost that minute! Congratulations again, that is wonderful!
Wow, congrats!! That's so awesome! You guys are all such an inspiration. I wish we could have been there.
Wow, Congrats to everyone! I knew you would win Amber...you have a definite gift for running that I was always envious of.
I'm going to try and do the Ragnar Relay with some girls from my ward, but we've had our share of viruses and ear infections for the past 6 weeks so I haven't done ANYTHING yet!
Congrats again!
Amber, I am so proud of you! I am so sorry I missed your special day...this pregnancy stuff really isn't agreeing with me! I thought about you the whole day and am thrilled with your results...you wanted it so bad and worked so hard for it! After reading this it has really made me want to get my act together so I can run with everyone next year. I'm determined to do it! Now I just need to get this baby cooked so I can get started! Your awesome and a huge inspiration to me!
Wow! That is the only word I have Wow!! I am totally amazed.
WOO-HOO!!! I KNEW you had to have won!!!!! I SO wish I was there when they gave you your award! I'm SO impressed! (Your post was way too long for me. I was dying to know the results and you just kept stringing me along, didn't ya?!) I will happily run next year with you, but there is no way I could do it that fast! You are amazing! Especially for being behind to start with in the bathroom! Too funny. Congrats again. You should be proud!
I knew it. I read ur previous post yesterday and crossed my fingers for u..
Congats. Thats awsome..
I am sooooooo impressed! You rock! I have recently taken up running too and it is awesome! Good luck.
CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome Amber. I've never been a big runner but you guys and your running have sure put the itch in my pants. I need to do something like that just for the accomplishment of it. You're amazing! To be first even after starting late - good job!
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