Grant me patience
to deal with my

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September is for "order"....

"Establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God” (D&C 88:119).

Wishing a happy Sunday to you all. Ours began early...VERY early. Of course, the baby still wakes up during the night. She likes her bottle. AND she is teething. Four top teeth, and let's not forget the canines. Yeah...who can sleep through that??? I am currently coming up with a new plan to help the little miss sleep through the night and we are getting ready for some changes....with the help of a handy book from the public library, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". ( I've got plans for a new post all about what I have learned for those of you getting ready to add a newborn to the family!)

Too early this morning, Anna came sniveling at our door, with a tummy ache. Grrrreat. Grrrrrrr. She made numerous trips to the bathroom, each time making sure to embellish the trip with lots of crying. She shoved her blankets up the front of her shirt, I gave her some water and pepto bismal, and we FINALLY got some sleep. Don't feel too jealous yet...we were still up before 8am. And by 9am, Anna started puking. Yay!!!

Okay, you can feel jealous now.

I still made it to church on time with Carter, though he was very reluctant to go, knowing he was leaving Anna behind watching Scooby-Doo without him. I pushed him in Kya's stroller on our walk to the church house, and that solved the pouting-dragging feet-whining-type behavior he typically displays.

I forgot what it is like to have only ONE child with me at church!!! Let me remind those of you who have forgotten!!! He sat on my lap and looked at church pictures from my bag, flipped through my scriptures, ate a Life Savor, and then it was time for primary. He has been deemed my angel child today. An angel with dimples. Cute.

Okay, on to my real intent for this post, the scripture above. I love that scripture. One day when we have our own house, I want to make it our "family motto" or something. I have been trying to re-establish certain things within our family:

1. Order. Since our move to Pocatello and birth of babe #3, we've lost some order. Now that miss nanners is back in school, it provides me with the perfect opportunity to crack back down on a more consistent daily and night-time schedule. I believe that establishing a "house of order" involves waking up, not too late, but not too early either. And then consistently doing a morning, afternoon, and nightly routine. What works for one family, might not work for another, but what is great is as parents, we get to decide what we want to do and how. I believe that if we are prayerful, search the scriptures, and attend our Sunday meetings with an attitude to learn, then Heavenly Father will guide us in our efforts to develop and run our family in an "orderly" way.

That is my current goal. It is still a work in process, and I will keep you updated as I go along. But order is something I like, and something I think all families need, for our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. So, thanks to my baby girl, the cutest little first-grader I ever did see!!! September is a great month to get our kids off to school and our homes back in order from the craziness of summer!!!

Oh, and she learned to tie her shoes!! It took her only two tries before she had it down! What a smartie! And she went to school on her first day like a champ! No big deal, piece of cake, she walked right in like school was old news! She's playing with old friends and making new ones too! We've got high hopes for this little one!

Enjoy your Sunday, and maybe let me know what you do with your family to have a "house of order" too.

1 comment:

Erica Bazil said...

Love your goal! Iv ebeen thinking we need to re-adjust our daily schedules soon and hopefully have it well established before baby #3 comes :). In a couple weeks we plan on moving Cash and Vanna together into one bedroom and because they're on a bit of a different sleep schedule, the routine of things will have to change so they are sleeping at the same time (they take naps the same time but Vanna still goes to bed usually an hour or so before Cash).
I took an LDS parenting class a year or so ago (that I loved!)and this was one principle we talked/learned about - establishing a house of order! Of course it is what the Lord wants of us (as you can see from your quoted scripture) - surely it can bring less stress/more peace when we have a house of order. And most importantly - when there is order in our homes, the Spirit can reside there and I know that's what I want for our home and family!!!
While we have many things to improve on and work on - one thing I do to help keep order in our home is to pick up (so that even though the house might not be spotless, it's at least picked up and "in order") before we lay down for naps each day and before we go to sleep every night.
Good luck on your goal - I'm cheering you on. I'll be working on it too.