Grant me patience
to deal with my

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Anna....never cease to amaze us!!

You all know that we have "troubles" with Anna when it comes to bedtime! Since we have been in Rexburg, she hasn't been so "monstrous" as she could be I take it that things are getting better! We have REALLY been working with her ALOT!!! I think that is the key! Children take so much patience and need so much consistency....and sometimes it is truly HARD WORK!
One night, after I had thought Anna was in bed, I went down the hall and this is what I found! She has become so quiet and sneaky, we had no idea Anna had crawled out of bed, opened her door, and planted herself on the floor for a night of "happy" dreaming!
I had to move her back to bed, which she did not want...(you know what it's like to reason with a child who is half-awake and half-asleep!) Russ and I had a good laugh about it all afterwards, and agree that this little girl will never cease to amaze us!

1 comment:

Suzie-Q said...

Wow! Can she really just fall asleep like that when she wants? At least you found her before the went on to far and she woke up wondering where she was, that could be a scary moment for her.