Well, my fridge might get a little neglected, but (you might be surprised) I have become a "clean freak" (only to a moderate degree!) when it comes to my house! I like things to be in order and in place, I demolish dust, and am always tidy-ing up! (just ask Russ...I have so many cleaning "kwirks"...it drives him crazy!) With two busy kids playing all day, I feel like my little apartment needs some damage control some days!

In minutes, Anna can pull out every toy from her room and scatter them around our living room! Her favorite thing to do is get all of her stuffed animals and baby blankets and make-shift beds and put her dogs and cats down for naps.

Then, Anna makes her own bed, and has a nap too! Here she found a basket of mine that she adopted as her own! Then, after nap time, she gets out all of her play food and dishes and covers the kitchen table..and floor.. with them....I even find play food in the fridge....and she makes dinner for us and her animals!

Here she has her dogs enjoying some yummy goldfish crackers! I love to watch Anna explore the world of "make-believe" and watch her imagination grow and develop! So...as much as I like my house to be in order, it is mostly filled with my children's play-things....what house could ever be a home without the touch of childhood....without the traces that little ones live there...?

Often times, if I ask Anna to do something while she is in her "play-mode" she will tell me with a gigantic sigh..."Mom, I busy...I tryin to make dinder!" Sigh...how many times has that come out of MY mouth! As a mom, I realize so much more everyday, of how much my daughter watches me and wants to emulate what I do! Actions speak louder than words!